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About Us

Plexus-NSD is a Small Business that provides radiation-related consulting and services. We hope you will take a few moments to explore our web site and learn more about us and how we do business. Enjoy your journey, but don't forget to bookmark us before you leave!

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Plexus-NSD offers a wide variety of products and services in the areas of radiation protection (health physics), radiation safety and radiological engineering. When Plexus-NSD is approached for assistance, we offer a number of special services that involve small budgets as a way of providing insights into the quality and value of working with us on any radiation-related matter.

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Did you know that everything and everybody around us is radioactive? Should that concern you? The only way to answer that question for yourself is to get some facts about radiation and radioactivity. In this web site you can learn what radioactivity is, where it is located, in what units it is measured, what radiation doses are harmful, about measurement methods, and answers to a host of other questions.

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