Capabilities & Clients
Companies that use radioactivity and/or ionizing radiation sources in today’s business climate often face both internal and external challenges. Internally, their own employees may raise safety concerns, perhaps as a result of a sensational story in the media, or perhaps because of a diagnosed medical condition. Externally, regulators can create massive disruptions in the company’s operations by citing inadequate radiation controls and/or documentation as a result of changes in regulations or an off-normal event. To make matters worse, companies generally face these challenges at a time when there is constant pressure to minimize expenditures for “non-revenue-producing” activities such as regulatory compliance.
(Click here for a Capability Statement)
Plexus-NSD has a proven track record for helping companies address these very challenges. We specialize in the areas of radiation protection, radiological engineering, and nuclear services and bring significant experience to bear. The following are just a few examples of the services Plexus-NSD offers and is typically called upon to provide:
- Health physics consulting
- Radiological dose assessments and reconstructions
- Radiological risk assessment using CERCLA methodologies
- Radiation protection program development/implementation
- Internal and external dosimetry
- Radiation safety and special topic training
- Radiation surveys (including compliance monitoring)
- Sealed source leak testing
- MARSSIM-based scoping, characterization and final status surveys
- Packaging/shipping of radioactive materials and transportation management (domestic and international)
- Site/facility/equipment decontamination/remediation
- Facility decommissioning and license termination
- Emergency response program development/implementation
- Environmental monitoring for radioactivity
- Non-ionizing radiation safety
- ALARA analyses
- Radioanalytical services (through existing relationships with pre-qualified laboratories)
- Community relations
- Radiation safety program audits
- Industrial hygiene services
- LASP (GPS/GIS land area radiological survey program)
- Licensing/permitting support, including regulatory interactions
- Litigation support
- Strategic planning
- Health physics instrument rentals
- Project management
- Annual compliance services
- Radioactive waste brokering
- Operational oversight
- Acquisition (property, buildings, operations) support
Why are Plexus-NSD’s services different from those provided by other consulting firms? We utilize our large inventory of standardized products and resources that have been proven over time, (and whose development costs have long since been recovered from successful work that Plexus-NSD has performed for others). We never re-create a solution if one we have implemented in the past will solve the problem. Plexus-NSD also maintains a staff of experienced professionals who are skilled in visualizing the solution to a problem, from start to finish, and able to select/apply our standardized products where there is benefit in doing so. Our references will attest to our ability to:
- Develop technically-sound, legally-defensible programs and procedures for site/facility characterization, health and safety compliance, personnel exposure control, site closure, regulatory interactions, and other issues;
- Evaluate whether specific sites/locations pose a radiological risk to people;
- Evaluate alternative follow-up actions;
- Provide input on regulatory issues that may impact any decisions that are made; and
- Facilitate communications on technical issues.
They will also confirm that the services Plexus-NSD provides are not only of the highest quality, but they are always cost-effective. The following are the types of companies that have contracted Plexus-NSD, and for whom we remain privileged to serve:
- Activated charcoal providers
- Appliance manufacturers
- Analytical Laboratories
- Architect-engineers and construction firms
- Bottling plants
- CERCLA sites
- Chemical laboratories and plants
- Construction/demolition firms
- Defense plants
- Density and level gauge users and manufacturers
- Developers (building and land areas)
- Dosimetry service providers
- Earthmoving firms
- Elemental phosphorus plants
- Environmental service and remediation firms
- FUSRAP sites
- Glass manufacturers
- Government contractors
- Instrument Manufacturers
- Insurance providers
- Irradiation Facilities
- Landfill operators
- Laser-based cutting system operators
- Law firms
- Materials brokers
- Medical product/device manufacturers
- Metallurgical firms
- Metal recycling operations
- Mining operations
- National laboratories
- Nuclear fuel manufacturers (natural and elevated enrichment)
- Nuclear medicine, PET and CT facility operators
- Optical product manufacturers
- Overnight mail carriers
- Pulp and paper plants
- PET facilities (medical and research)
- Petroleum exploration and production companies
- Pharmaceutical firms
- Powders and coatings manufacturers and distributors
- Radioactive materials licensees
- Radiography firms
- Refractory operations
- Research reactors
- SDMP sites
- Sealed source manufacturers and distributors
- Space agencies
- Specialty metals producers
- Specialty equipment manufacturers
- Specialty product manufacturers
- Spray powder and coating operations
- State environmental authorities
- Steel manufacturers
- Thorium chemicals facilities
- Trade associations
- Transportation industries
- Tungsten chemicals facilities
- Universities
- Upscale watch manufacturers
- Warehousing operations
- Water treatment firms
- Waste processors
- Zirconium chemicals facilities