Plexus-NSD provides services in the highly-focused technical areas of radiation protection and radiological engineering. Because of our track record of successes, we have earned the respect of our clients and both federal and state regulators alike. The services we provide range from simple site investigations, to remedial actions (including radioactive and mixed waste brokering, transportation and disposal), to the performance of MARSSIM-based scoping, characterization and final status surveys, to oversight support services for large remediation projects. Within that range we bring skilled project managers with the ability to develop technically sound work plans and cost estimates, respond to regulator comments, and assist with community relations. Our field site managers are equipped with all of the equipment, experience, training, subcontractors, credentials and other tools needed to ensure site operations are completed safely, effectively, on schedule and on budget. In addition, we also maintain a radioactive materials license which permits us to handle all quantities and forms of radioactivity throughout the country (via interstate reciprocity), and a License for Delivery for the disposition of radioactive and mixed waste.