3D Route Builder (for all you bicycle riders)
1896 Orient (the power of . . . ten?)
A Nice House for Sale!
Airline Customer Service Plans (file a complaint with your “favorite” carrier)
Airline Data and Statistics (who is the best; who is the worst)
Air Travel Consumer Reports (see which airlines are more likely to bounce you)
All Breed Rescue and Referral (great people helping out great dogs)
An Energy-Independent Future (courtesy of Jon Stewart and the Daily Show)
New – Animals in Action
Animated Atlas (Watch the Growth of a Nation)
Backpacker Magazine
Bartleby.com (great books online)
Bikely (create a bicycle route)
BikeRouteToaster (bicycle route mapping program)
Black Hole of the Web (trust us, don’t go there!)
Capitol Cam
(A) Christmas Carol (played entirely with bike parts, courtesy of Specialized)
Climate Prediction Center (the weather 6 to 10 days from today, courtesy of NOAA)
Cocktail Party Physics (a blog with a twist)
Comic Book: Power for Progress
Comic Book The Atomic Future
Damn Interesting (historical summaries of anything that’s, well, damn interesting)
Darwin Awards
Dilbert Zone
Dining Guide and Recipes from the Washington Post
DHMO Home Page (courtesy of Dihydrogen Monoxide Research Division)
dryday.com (daily long-range weather forecasts)
Family Watchdog (national sex offender registry and Amber alerts)
Fun With Physics (jokes and cartoons courtesy of PhysLink)
Gmaps Pedometer (just about the coolest mapping/satellite imaging software around!)
GuessTheSpot (how well do you know your landmarks?)
Heart Beats . . .
Hoaxbusters (check out the validity of all those virus alerts)
Honda Accord Ad (talk about patience in setting something up!)
Hot A.I.R. (Annals of Improbable Research)
How Popular is Your Name?
Ironic Times (Oh, the irony of it all!)
Know Your Stuff (web-based home inventory software)
Life Simulator – Pray that yours is not the dull existence of this one!
Life Videopedia (nothing is as simple as it seems)
Long Range Weather Forecasts (courtesy of the Old Farmer’s Almanac)
MapMyRide – Map out bicycle routes
Meet the Rescued Michael Vick Pit Bulls (Dogs can be rehabilitated; can’t say the same about their owners)
Microwave Oven Diagnostics (courtesy of Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories)
Mr. Cranky Rates the Movies
Obama and Chu Talking About Yucca
OnlineConversion.com (convert just about anything to just about anything else)
(The) Outspoken Cyclist
Panda Cam (San Diego Zoo)
Panda Cam (see Mei Xiang, Tian Tian and Baby Tai Shan – live! – at the National Zoo)
Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center (know your rights as a bike rider)
Periodic Table of Comic Books
Periodic Table of Videos (the elements in real life . . . just click on one and see)
Periodic Table Set to Music
Place the States (How well do you know your geography?)
PlateWire (bringing courtesy back to our roadways)
RADAR – Radiation-related music page
Radioactive Orchestra (listen to the isotopes!)
Responsive Face (create your own mood)
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
Rulesofthumb.org (every rule of thumb on earth, in one place)
SafeRoadMaps – Envisioning Safer Roads
Secret USNRC Chairman Meeting on Yucca Mountain
Silicon Creatures Gallery (how to doodle with a million dollar pen!)
Smoke on the water . . .
Sometimes You Just Need to Make a Melody
Something to Keep an Idiot Busy
Space Photos and Images
Sports Stuff (CNN Sports)
Stickman in Motion (give it a try!)
Take Me Back to the Fifties
Tell it to the judge, air travelers! (for when you were really treated unfairly by your “favorite” airline)
Time Capsule (what happened the day you were born?)
Totally Useless Office Skills
Track an Incoming Flight (courtesy of Flytecomm)
Tunes from the Capitol Steps – Those talented but bipartisan Hill Staffers
Washington Animal Rescue League (another organization that makes a difference)
Washington, DC WeatherCam
WeatherPlanner (for dressing right on field trips)
Wil C. Crawford High School Web Site
Women’s Adventures in Science (courtesy of the NAS)
(The) Wooden Periodic Table (an “organic” twist on the elements)
World Wide Web Telescope
Zillow.com (what’s your home worth?)
20 Things to do with Matzah
(A) Harmonica Played Right!
New! Alpha Particle Art (sights and sounds of cloud chambers)
Another talented musician . . .
Are you sure you don’t want a dog?
Awesome People
Babies in Motion
Bach . . . as you’ve never heard it played before!
Ballroom Dancing at its Finest
Bike Riding in Scotland (the hard way of getting from point A to point Z)
Cats and Dolphins
Crime-fighting Super Dog (size doesn’t matter)
Cute Overload (get your daily dose of cuteness)
Dancing at the Movies
Denver, the Guilty Dog
Dog and Deer
Dog Beach Boogie
Dogo Argentino Ring
Downing a Glass of Red Wine . . . the hard way
Eagle Owl (watch him land at 1000 frames per second)
Flash Mob Does Bolero
History of the world in two minutes
Hope and Cagney
How to make an airplane . . .
If a tree falls in the forest . . .
Inspirational Message (watch this every morning, before you start work!)
Little Richard (. . . before a-whop bop-a-lu-bop a-whop bam boom!)
Meet Einstein!
Oh the Joy!
Nana the Wonder Dog
Real Love, Real Fights!
“Radioactive” by The Firm (music to decay by)
Rita Hayworth is Stayin’ Alive
San Francisco in 1906 (Take a ride on a street car where everyone has the right of way.)
San Francisco in 1906 (Ride the same street five days later after the 1906 earthquake)
Size Matters
SL-1: The Accident
Sports at its Finest
Surfin’ USA (now that’s talent!)
Talking Dog
Tandem Bicycle Riding
(The) Ultimate Machine (Who doesn’t love a wagon full of puppies?)
Ultimate MTB Race (in the slums of Valparaiso, Chili)
Washington, DC Metro Song
Watch the F35B take off and land
Women Drivers