1 Safety Source (safety supplies)
3M Personal Safety Supplies
ABM Lead Corporation (shielding)
AccuStar (radon testing)
ACS Master Tek (EMF equipment)
Actlabs (analytical services)
Advanced Graphic Engraving (safety signs)
Aero Tec Laboratories, Inc. (tanks, bladders and containments)
AirChek (radon detectors)
AlphaLab (EMF instruments)
Alpha Spectra, Inc.
American Ecology (waste services)
Ametek (analytical and test instruments)
Amptek, Inc.
A. P. Buck, Inc. (indoor air sampling equipment)
Argus Hazco (EMF and Microwave Instrument Rental)
ARM (Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program)
Arrow-Tech (direct reading dosimeters)
Ashtead technology (IH Monitoring Instrument Rental)
Atlanta Supply Co. (in-line radon fans)
Atomic Energy Industrial Laboratories (instrument calibrations, dosimetry services)
Atomic Rocks (one-stop shop for radioactive mineral specimens)
Aware Electronics
Beckman Coulter
Becquerel Laboratories (neutron activation trace element analysis)
Berkeley Nucleonics Corporation
Biodex Medical Systems (radiology and HP equipment)
BNC Scientific (detectors, spectrometers and test equipment)
Capintec, Inc.
Chem-Nuclear Systems (waste services)
CIH Equipment Company, Inc. (IH instrument repair, calibration, etc.)
ComplianceSigns.com (signs and labels vendor)
Data Spectrum Corporation
Denison Mines (formerly International Uranium Corporation)
Detection Technology
Dexsil Corporation (magnetic field and other instruments)
Direct Scientific (shielding, sources and accessories)
DiscountSafetyGear.com (industrial safety equipment)
Diversified Research (radon monitors)
Dosimetry Resources International, LLC (dosimetry support services and training)
Dufrane Nuclear Shielding, Inc.
Dupont Engineering Products (radon gas barrier)
Eckert & Ziegler (sealed sources)
Edlow International Company (shipping services)
Edmund Scientific (popular science gadgets and training tools)
EnergySolutions (formerly Envirocare of Utah) waste services
Environmental Instruments Canada (radon detectors and sample counters)
Epic Modular Process Systems (pilot and production scale modular systems)
New Epic Pilot Plants (pilot plant design and modification)
Euclid Garment Manufacturing Co.
F&J Specialty Products
Far West Technology, Inc. (instruments and dosimetry supplies)
Fast ComTec
Field Components, Inc. (cables, adapters and assemblies)
Fisher Science Education (educational instruments)
Fisher Scientific (products and supplies)
Fluke Biomedical (instrument service and calibrations)
FRHAM Safety Products, Inc.
Frontier Technology Corporation (sealed Cf-252 sources)
Gamma Scout
General Atomics
Geometrics (geophysical measurements and products)
Gigahertz Optik (light measurement instrumentation)
Global Dosimetry Solutions (formerly ICN Dosimetry)
G/O Corporation (safety products)
Griffin Instruments (Calibration and repair services)
Hawk Labeling Systems (signs and labels)
Heck-Technical Resources, Inc. (instrument calibration, repair and rental)
High Altitude Radiation Monitoring Service (flight crew and aviation issues)
Hi-Q Environmental Products
Historic Aerials (free aerial photography)
Hopewell Designs, Inc. (irradiators and inspection equipment)
Hot Cell Services, Inc.
HQ Precision Instruments
International Light (nonionizing radiation measurement)
International Medcom (another supply of community instruments)
Interstate Nuclear Services (laundry and protective clothing)
Iztop (radiopharmaceuticals from the Institute of Isotopes Co., Ltd)
J. L. Shepherd & Associates
Johnson (Wm. B) & Associates
JP Laboratories (distributor of the SIRAD color-response accident dosimeter)
Kanomax (air quality measurement devices)
K & S Associates, Inc. (instrument calibrations)
KI4U (collection of emergency response products and gadgets)
Lab Impex Systems
LabLogic Systems
Lab Safety Supply
Laboratory Technologies, Inc. (smear counters, calibrators and ancillary supplies)
Laco, Inc.
Landauer, Inc.
Larson Davis (acoustic and vibration measurement devices)
Laurus Systems (instrument and software)
LSI Sales, Inc. (shielding)
Ludlum Instruments
Magnetic Shield Corporation
Manufacturing Sciences Corporation (waste processing)
MarShield (custom shielding and storage)
Mayco Industries, Inc. (Shielding)
MDS Nordion
Mineralab (G-M counters)
Mohawk Safety (supplies)
Mound Technical Solutions
My Radiation Sign (design your own signs and postings)
National Instruments
National Safety Products, Inc. (electronic radon detectors)
NDC (nuclear gauges)
NDS Products
NELCO Corporation (Shielding)
Newco, Inc.
New Millenium Nuclear Technologies (waste treatment)
NFS-RPS (radiological control products)
NIST Measurement Services Division (calibration standards and sealed sources)
North American Scientific (calibration standards and sealed sources)
NRD (sealed source manufacturing and services)
NSSI (waste/recovery services)
NTS (nuclear testing and certification)
Nuclear Associates
NukAlert (public use detectors)
Outreach Laboratory (analytical services)
Overhoff Technology Corporation
Oxford Instruments
Pasco Scientific (educational instruments)
PermaFix (radioactive and mixed waste processing)
PL Medical Company (personnel dosimetry for x-rays)
Princeton Gamma-Tech (radiation detectors and spectrometers)
Pro-Fusion (thoriated tungsten electrode grinding products)
Protean Instrument Corporation
PTW (dosimetry systems and ion chambers)
Pulcir, Inc. (instrument manufacturers representative)
QCQA.com (clearning house for used density gauges)
QSA Global (sealed radiation sources, including Cf-252)
Radcal Corporation (diagnostic system instruments)
Rad Elec Inc.
Radiation Alert (S.E. International, Inc.)
Radiation Data (radon measurements and mitigation)
Radiation Protection Products (shielding)
Radiation Shield Technologies (creators of Demron fabric!)
Radiation Solutions, Inc.
Radiation Technologies, Inc.
Radioactive Materials Exchange (radiation source recycling)
Radius Engineering Intl. (bomb shelter manufacturer)
Radmeters4U and KI4U (as seen in the Wall Street Journal!)
RadonSeal (radon mitigation [concrete] sealer)
Reade Advanced Materials (powders, etc. with shielding properties)
Rexon Components (TLD and scintillation systems)
Ronan Engineering (nuclear level/density gauges)
R.O.V. Technologies (underwater equipment)
Safe Training Systems, Ltd. (radioactivity simulators for training purposes)
Saint-Gobain (scintillation products)
SAVEinc. (radiation hardening and space radiation)
Self-Powered Lighting, Inc. (tritium exit signs)
Severn Trent Laboratories (analytical services)
Shell USA (for all your radioactivity needs)
Solar Light Company, Inc. (non-ionizing radiation sources and meters)
Source Production & Equipment Co., Inc. (SPEC)
SouthernRadiation.com (civil defense and other “sturdy” meters)
Southern Scientific, Ltd.
Spectrum Techniques, Inc. (educational instruments and exempt quantity sealed sources)
SRB Technologies (self-powered lighting)
Stanford Dosimetry, LLC
Supersaturated Environments (cloud chambers)
Synchrotron Radiation Center (energy sources)
TEL-Atomic, Inc. (educational instruments)
TerraServer (satellite imagery)
Thermo Electron Corporation
Thermo Electron TN DensityPRO (nuclear density gauges)
Thermo RMP (formerly Bicron)
TopoZone (subscription topographic and aerial mapping service)
Tracerco (nuclear level gauges)
Transgalactic Instruments
Transnuclear, Inc. (dry cask storage and transportation)
Tri-State Motor Transit Co. (transportation services)
Troxler Electronic Laboratories (gauges and training)
Tyne Engineering, Inc. (tritium systems)
United Nuclear (sealed sources, signs/labels, instruments, shielding)
VitaTech Engineering (EMF Measurements and Surveys)
Wardray Premise (x-ray shielding)
Waste Control Specialists, LLC or WCS (waste services)
WB Johnson Instruments
West Coast Analytical Service, Inc.