Common Radiation Sources
Americium-241 (433 years)
- 100 µCi in commercial smoke detector systems
- 5 µCi in home smoke detectors
- Curie quantities in neutron sources (comingled with boron or beryllium)
- Thickness gauging
- Hydrological tracers (1 to 100 Ci)
- Borehole logging (100 microcurie sealed sources)
- Thickness gauging
- Detecting thickness variation and defects in castings; weld inspection
- Automatic weighing equipment (5 to 200 millicurie sealed sources)
Cesium-137 (30 years)
- 1 microcurie in voltage regulators and current surge protectors
- Thickness gauging
- Detecting thickness variation and defects in castings; weld inspection
- Industrial radiography (10 to 100 Ci sealed sources)
- Borehole logging (10 mCi to 2 Ci sealed sources)
- Automatic weighing equipment (5 to 200 millicurie sealed sources)
- Studies of piston-ring and bearing wear
- Mossbauer analysis (2 to 50 microcurie sealed sources
Cobalt-60 (5.27 years)
- Curie quantities in teletherapy units for cancer treatment
- Nuclear medicine studies
- 1 microcurie in spark gap irradiators (to enhance reliability of ignition)
- 1-10 microcurie in glow lamps (starters for fluorescent lamps, electric blanket thermostats, etc.)
- Control of discharge in coke ovens
- Measuring wear of firebrick linings
- Detecting thickness variation and defects in castings; weld inspection
- Sterilization of medical supplies
- Food sterilization
- Measurement of prompt miss distance (missiles vs. targets) in aerospace
- Industrial radiography (10 to 100 Ci sealed sources)
- Borehole logging (10 mCi to 2 Ci sealed sources)
- Automatic weighing equipment (5 to 200 millicurie sealed sources)
- Studies of piston-ring and bearing wear
- Thickness gauging
- Detecting thickness variation and defects in castings; weld inspection
- Detecting thickness variation and defects in castings; weld inspection
- Evaluation of rail life in the transportation industry
Hydrogen-3 (12.3 years)
- 1300 µCi in radioluminescent watches
- 5000 µCi in radioluminescent clocks
- 0.5 Ci in luminous signs (used in hotel/motel chains, amusement parks, manufacturing facilities, aircraft)
- Remote airport markers
- Military applications -infrared wands used to light portable helipads, runways, and drop zone markers
- Aircraft manufacturing
- US Government
- Tritiated foils and targets used in research applications such as gas chromotography.
- 20 microcuries in electron tubes (indicator lights in clothes washers and dryers, stereos, coffee makers and pinball machines)
- Studies of hydrogen embrittlement
- Efficiency of separation in chemical processing
- Permeability studies in gas fields (natural gas industry)
- Methane detection in the mining industry
- Hydrological tracers (1 to 100 Ci)
- Diagnostic (and occasionally therapeutic) nuclear medicine procedures
- Diagnostic (and occasionally therapeutic) nuclear medicine procedures
- Thoroughness of mixing in the chemical processing industry
- Obtaining informatin about subterranean flow patterns in oil-bearing strate (oil production)
- Detecting thickness variation and defects in castings; weld inspection
- Industrial radiography (10 to 100 Ci sealed sources)
- Mossbauer analysis (2 to 50 microcurie sealed sources
- Tracing blast furnace operations
- Studies of piston-ring and bearing wear
- 0.2 microcuries in electron tubes (indicator lights in clothes washers and dryers, stereos, coffee makers and pinball machines)
- 1 microcurie in voltage regulators and current surge protectors
- 1-10 microcurie in glow lamps (starters for fluorescent lamps, electric blanket thermostats, etc.)
- Thickness gauging
- Leak testing in the electrical industry
- Permeability studies in gas fields (natural gas industry)
- Reservoir engineering (200 mCi)
Lead-210 (22.3 years)
- Consumer products
- Tobacco products
- 1 microcurie in voltage regulators and current surge protectors
- Mercury switch studies in the electrical industry
- 1 microcurie in voltage regulators and current surge protectors
- 1-10 microcurie in glow lamps (starters for fluorescent lamps, electric blanket thermostats, etc.)
- Studies of piston-ring and bearing wear
- 4 curies in cardiac pacemakers
Polonium-210 (138 days)
- 500 to 1,000 microcuries in static eliminators
- Tobacco products
Potassium-40 (1.3 billion years)
- 450 pCi/g in salt substitutes (low sodium salt)
- 60 pCi/g in Vermiculite
- 150 pCi/g in garden fertilizer
- Sports drinks (electrolyte replacement)
- Bananas (~ 0.3 nCi)
Promethium-147 (2.6 years)
- 40 µCi in radioluminescent watches
- 100 µCi in radioluminescent clocks
- 1-10 microcurie in glow lamps (starters for fluorescent lamps, electric blanket thermostats, etc.)
- Automatic weighing and gauging equipment (5 to 200 millicurie sealed sources)
Radium-226 ( 1600 years)
- µCi to mCi range in radioluminescent products ( radioluminescent gauges for aircraft, clock dials, pull chains on light bulbs, switches, chamber pot lids, doorknobs, religious statuary, telephone dials, fishing lures, markers at military bases to assist movement during blackout periods.)
- Brazil nuts (0.2 to 7 pCi/g; the radium replaces the calcium and concentrates in the endosperm of the nut)
- 0.01 to 0.36 microcuries in men’s wristwatches (largely replaced by hydrogen-3 and promethium-147.
- 0.1 – 7 millicuries in lightening rods
- 3 microcuries per source (6-21 per device) as “lonotron” foils in single-pan Mettler Balances
Radium-228 (5.76 years)
- Brazil nuts
- Fertilizer
- Lantern mantles
- Up to 1 microcurie per liter in domestic water supplies
- Detecting thickness variation and defects in castings; weld inspection
- Thickness gauging
- Power for navigational lights
- Testing of cigarette firmness (consumer product use)
- Automatic weighing equipment (5 to 200 millicurie sealed sources)
- Detecting thickness variation and defects in castings; weld inspection
Thorium-228 and Thorium-232 (1.9 years and 14 billion years)
- 300 mg each in gas lantern mantles (originally used to create light in movie theaters; more recently, used in camping activities; use is decreasing)
- Optical lenses (not for human use)
- High quality lenses (night sights for military applications)
- 35 mm camera lenses
- 2% by weight in tungsten products (welding rods, rocket nozzels, lighting filliaments)
Uranium-234 (246,000 years)
- Glazes in ceramics (Best example is the line of dinnerware produced in the 1930’s called “Fiesta Ware”. While this type is no longer produced, pieces can still found in homes and sold at flea markets.)
- Black ceramic spot plates to visualize light-colored precipitates and porcelain dentures
- Cloisone jewelry (orange coloring)
Uranium-235 (700 million years)
- Glazes in ceramics (Best example is the line of dinnerware produced in the 1930’s called “Fiesta Ware”. While this type is no longer produced, pieces can still found in homes and sold at flea markets.)
- Black ceramic spot plates to visualize light-colored precipitates and porcelain dentures
- Cloisone jewelry (orange coloring)
Uranium-238 (4.5 billion years)
- Glazes in ceramics (Best example is the line of dinnerware produced in the 1930’s called “Fiesta Ware”. While this type is no longer produced, pieces can still found in homes and sold at flea markets.)
- Black ceramic spot plates to visualize light-colored precipitates and porcelain dentures
- Cloisone jewelry (orange coloring)
- Shielding
- Armor-piercing shells
Uranium and Thorium Decay Series
- Kaolin (used in many magazines to produce a high gloss appearance)
- Kaopectate (anti-diarrhea medication)
- Cat litter
- 100’s of ppm to enhance the appearance of porcelain teeth.
- 5-10 mg of thorium fluoride in optical glass (lenses for CO2 lasers, etc., not for human use)
- 30 microcuries in a tungsten welding rod
- 5 pCi in a fluorescent lamp starter
- Studies of sediment and sand movement
- Studies of piston-ring and bearing wear