August 25, 2016 – 81 FR 58540-58542 – NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION – South Carolina Electric & Gas Company and South Carolina Public Service Authority; Virgil C. Summer Nuclear Station, Units 2 and 3; Piping Line Number Additions, Deletions and Functional Capability Re-Designation – The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is granting an exemption to allow a departure from the certification information of Tier 1 of the generic design control document (DCD) and is issuing License Amendment No. 39 to Combined Licenses (COL), NPF-93 and NPF-94. The COLs were issued to South Carolina Electric & Gas Company (SCE&G), and South Carolina Public Service Authority (the licensee) in March 2012, for the construction and operation of the Virgil C. Summer Nuclear Station (VCSNS), Units 2 and 3, located in Fairfield County, South Carolina. The granting of the exemption allows the changes to Tier 1 information requested in the amendment. Because the acceptability of the exemption was determined in part by the acceptability of the amendment, the exemption and amendment are being issued concurrently.
August 25, 2016 – 81 FR 58522-58523 – DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES – National Institutes of Health; Submission for OMB Review; 30-Day Comment Request Study To Estimate Radiation Doses and Cancer Risks From Radioactive Fallout From the Trinity Nuclear Test–National Cancer Institute (NCI) – In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the National Cancer Institute, the National Institutes of Health, has submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) a request for review and approval of the information collection listed below. This proposed information collection was previously published in the Federal Register on May 13, 2016, p 29875 and allowed 60-days for public comment. One public comment was received. The purpose of this notice is to allow an additional 30 days for public comment.