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HPPOS-124 PDR-9111210287

Regarding Transfer of Control of a Corporation Holding NRC Licensees

See the letter from V. L. Miller to A. C. Myers (Attorney at Law) dated March 24, 1981. NRC approval for transfer of control of a corporation, which owns subsidiaries with NRC licenses, is not required if (1) the name of the licensee does not change, and (2) the personnel actually involved in licensed operations are not substantially changed. HPPOS- 257 contains a related topic.

Guidance was sought concerning NRC policy regarding transfer of control of a corporation that owns two subsidiaries holding NRC source material licenses. NRC approval would not be required on such a transfer, provided that (1) the name of the licensee does not change, and (2) the personnel actually involved in the day-to-day licensed operations are not substantially changed. Otherwise, an application for license amendment should be submitted by the subsidiary for NRC review. Also, a license amendment must be applied for if expansion or relocation of the places of use of radioactive material are planned.

Regulatory references: 10 CFR 30.34, 10 CFR 40.46, 10 CFR 70.36

Subject codes: 3.8, 12.19

Applicability: Byproduct Material