See the letter from V. L. Miller to Distribution (Certain NRC Licensees) dated August 7, 1980. This letter was written to provide guidance to manufacturers regarding labeling of gas and aerosol detectors (smoke detectors). HPPOS-150 contains a related topic.
On June 9, 1980, the NRC published changes to NRC regulations for the labeling of gas and aerosol detectors (smoke detectors). The revised labeling requirements applied to manufacturers and other persons licensed by the NRC to transfer gas and aerosol detectors for use by persons exempt from NRC’s regulations. The letter was written in a question / answer style format. Specific topics covered in the letter included the following: The labeling requirements became effective on January 1, 1981, and that date was considered to be the “label application date.” Although a cut-off date was not established for transfer of detectors labeled in accordance with the new requirements, 10 CFR 32.26 specific licensees had until June 30, 1981, to transfer all such detectors manufactured prior to January 1, 1981. Detectors intended for export need not be labeled and packaged as specified in the revised rules, but could be exported under the general license of 10 CFR 110.24.
Under the new requirements, manufacturers would not be required to provide disposal instructions for smoke detectors nor provide disposal service.
After January 1, 1981, the label on the detector must state “CONTAINS RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL.” Although a minimum size for the type or label was not specified, letter sizes acceptable in the past were still considered acceptable. The label on a detector returned for warranty service after January 1, 1981, does not need to be replaced unless the original label was destroyed during service. The manufacturer does not need to identify himself on the label, but may instead state his license number as: “U.S. NRC License No. xxx” or “Produced under U. S. NRC License No. xxx.” No abbreviations for radionuclides or the quantity of activity can be used.
Regulatory references: 10 CFR 30.20, 10 CFR 32.26, 10 CFR 32.29
Subject codes: 3.2, 3.5, 4.7, 9.0
Applicability: Byproduct Material