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HPPOS-311 PDR-9306250080

Technical Assistance Request, Capintec Instruments, Inc., Request for Definition of Sealed Source as Used in 10 CFR 30.35

See the memorandum from J. E. Glenn to R. R. Bellamy dated January 30, 1991, and the memorandum from J. H. Austin to J. E. Glenn dated January 24, 1991. These memos concern a technical assistance request from Capintec Instruments, Inc., regarding the definition of sealed sources as used in 10 CFR 30.35 and specifically whether sealed vials manufactured by Capintec meet the requirements (see enclosures).

The definition of a sealed source in 10 CFR 30.4 requires the capsule to be designed to prevent contact with and dispersion of the radioactive material under the conditions of use for which it was designed. Certain low energy and low activity calibration and reference sources have been confined by using glass vials for numerous years. These vials are typically used in conjunction with expensive counting equipment and have demonstrated a good operational history.

The ampoule in question is flame sealed to prevent leakage or escape of its contents and therefore can be considered to be a sealed source. This conclusion is consistent with past NRC practice. The radionuclide content of the sources are small, and the impact on decommissioning of the facility if one or a few were to fail is minor.

Regulatory references: 10 CFR 30.4, 10 CFR 30.35

Subject codes: 11.2

Applicability: Byproduct Material